Richard Foley

A brighter & stronger Riverina


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Men’s Health and Wellbeing Initiative Act 2025

A Bill for an Act to promote and support the development of Men’s Health and Wellbeing Centres across Australia to address the unique health, social, and mental health challenges faced by men, and to establish a framework for their implementation, funding, and oversight.

Part 1: Preliminary

1. Short Title

This Act may be cited as the Men’s Health and Wellbeing Initiative Act 2025.

2. Commencement

This Act commences on the day it receives Royal Assent.

3. Definitions

In this Act:

    • Men’s Health and Wellbeing Centre means a facility providing mental health, physical health, legal, and social support services specifically tailored for men.
    • Minister means the Minister for Health and Aged Care or their delegate.
    • National Framework means the guiding principles and standards for the establishment and operation of Men’s Health and Wellbeing Centres as set out under this Act.
    • Independent Office for Men’s Health and Wellbeing refers to the oversight body established under this Act.

Part 2: Purpose and Objectives

4. Purpose

The purpose of this Act is to establish a framework for the development, implementation, and support of Men’s Health and Wellbeing Centres across Australia to:

(a) Address mental health challenges faced by men, including depression, anxiety, and suicide prevention.

(b) Reduce the prevalence of domestic violence through corrective and supportive programs.

(c) Improve physical health and preventative healthcare outcomes for men.

(d) Address social and economic factors impacting men’s wellbeing, including employment and family challenges.

(e) Provide culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.

5. Objectives

The objectives of this Act are to:

(a) Develop a National Framework for Men’s Health and Wellbeing Centres.

(b) Implement pilot centres in priority regions, including the Riverina.

(c) Ensure funding and operational sustainability through legislative guarantees.

(d) Facilitate collaboration with existing healthcare, legal, and social services.

(e) Create reporting and accountability mechanisms to assess and refine the initiative.

Part 3: Establishment of the National Framework

6. National Framework for Men’s Health and Wellbeing Centres

(1) The Minister must develop a National Framework within 12 months of the commencement of this Act.

(2) The National Framework must:

(a) Outline core services to be provided by all centres, including:

– Mental health counselling.

– Domestic violence prevention and corrective programs.

– Physical health and preventative healthcare services.

– Legal and financial counselling.

(b) Establish minimum staffing standards, including mental health, medical, legal, and culturally aware professionals.

(c) Define criteria for establishing pilot centres in high-priority regions.

(d) Provide mechanisms to engage local communities in service design and delivery.

(e) Ensure compliance with existing federal and state laws, including health, family violence, and telehealth regulations.

Part 4: Pilot Program and National Rollout

7. Establishment of Pilot Programs

(1) The Minister must oversee the establishment of at least three pilot Men’s Health and Wellbeing Centres within two years of this Act’s commencement.

(2) The first pilot program shall be located in the Riverina region, headquartered in Wagga Wagga, with sub-branches in regional towns such as Temora, Young, Yass, Cowra, Junee, and Tumut.

(3) Each pilot program must:

(a) Test the effectiveness of the National Framework.

(b) Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to co-design culturally appropriate services.

(c) Collaborate with emergency services to address acute crises.

(d) Evaluate the impact of services on domestic violence reduction, mental health, and community wellbeing.

8. Funding and Financial Provisions

(1) The Act mandates a minimum allocation of 1% of the Federal Health Budget to Men’s Health andWellbeing Centres.

(2) Pilot programs will receive funding from the consolidated revenue fund.

(3) Additional funding sources may include:

– Tax-deductible donations and philanthropic contributions.

– Partnerships with private sector health providers.

9. Expansion Based on Pilot Results

(1) Within five years, the Minister must present a report to Parliament on the outcomes of the pilot programs.

(2) The report must recommend a plan for nationwide implementation, including timelines, funding, and service delivery improvements.

Part 5: Oversight and Accountability

10. Establishment of the Independent Office for Men’s Health and Wellbeing

(1) The Independent Office for Men’s Health and Wellbeing is hereby established to oversee the implementation of this Act.

(2) Responsibilities include:

(a) Monitoring the performance of all centres.

(b) Conducting annual audits and publishing public reports.

(c) Advising the Minister on policy changes and national rollout.

11. Reporting Requirements

(1) Each Men’s Health and Wellbeing Centre must submit annual reports, including:

– The number of men accessing services.

– Impact on domestic violence rates.

– Health and wellbeing outcomes.

– Community feedback.

(2) The Independent Office must consolidate these reports and table them in Parliament annually.

12. Advisory Council

(1) The Minister shall establish an Advisory Council to support the implementation of this Act.

(2) The Council will include representatives from:

(a) Health and legal professionals.

(b) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

(c) Regional development bodies.

(d) Men’s health advocacy organisations.

Part 6: Miscellaneous

13. Regulations

The Governor-General may make regulations prescribing matters necessary for carrying out this Act.

14. Review of the Act

(1) A review of this Act must be conducted within six years of its commencement.

(2) The review must evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative and make recommendations for improvement.

15. Legal Harmonisation

(1) The Minister must review relevant federal and state laws, including the Privacy Act 1988, Fair Work Act 2009, and Health Insurance Act 1973, to ensure alignment with this Act.

(2) Any necessary amendments must be tabled in Parliament within two years of the Act’s commencement.

Explanatory Notes:

The Men’s Health and Wellbeing Initiative Act 2025 is a landmark piece of legislation addressing men’s mental, physical, and social health challenges. By establishing pilot programs, enshrining funding mechanisms, and creating robust oversight structures, the Act lays the foundation for a scalable, sustainable national initiative.









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